Promoting the Negev’s economic, cultural,
and environmental stability

The Negev Foundation is a Cleveland-based, non-profit, 501(c)3 tax-exempt foundation that supports initiatives contributing to the overall well-being of Israel’s southern region, the Negev. As cities in northern and central Israel reach capacity and immigration to Israel increases, the foundation works to build strong and viable communities in the Negev.  Learn more

Our Mission

The Negev Foundation is dedicated to the enhancement and advancement of Israel’s southern region. We truly believe in the visionary foresight of David Ben Gurion: that the Negev holds Israel’s greatest promise. Our goal is to fulfill that promise.

Through agricultural, economic, and cultural development, The Negev Foundation partners investors, philanthropists, farmers, scientists, entrepreneurs— dreamers and doers— with the common goal of making the Negev bloom, in every way:

For its residents, for all of Israel, and for the world.

David Ben-Gurion

“The future of Israel lies in the Negev.”

David Ben-Gurion

Our Vision

The Negev is the home of Israel’s future. The region can sustain itself, those who live there, and millions more who could make it their home.

But not without our help and partnership.

With our guidance and encouragement, this historic region will continue to expand its many resources: agricultural, technological, economic, environmental, educational, medical, cultural, and social.

Our resourcefulness and success will inspire all of Israel and other desert regions worldwide.

Ohio-Israel Ag & CleanTech Initiative
of the Negev Foundation

  • OIACI facilitates the exchange of innovative ideas, products, and professional opportunities in agriculture, food, and CleanTech between Ohio and Israel with the goal of improving resource and economic security for both regions.
  • With a commitment to supporting a thriving Ohio in today’s global community, OIACI believes in expanding Ohio’s economic reach and problem-solving options beyond our state borders. As a world leader in agricultural and water management techniques, Israel is a natural global partner for the State of Ohio, with opportunities for trade and sharing of technologies that may improve our community and economy.
  • https://ohioisrael.org/
Ohio-Israel AG & Cleantech Initiative